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For those that would have been future clients and friends;


It is with deep regret that I inform you that the Savage Flower Ranch will no longer be accepting inquiries regarding weddings or other events to be hosted on our property. Butte County has passed a Minor Use Permit Ordinance for Special Event Venues, and made it exceedingly difficult to acquire such a permit. We will post details of the ordinance for those interested. The fees alone are more than we’ve received in total compensation for all the weddings we’ve held thus far, and our inability to continue into the future all but eliminates the possibility of this changing any time soon.

We are truly saddened by this turn of events, as this was our dream for the property, to help couples who couldn’t afford a fancy venue in town to have a beautiful rustic wedding in the countryside. For more on our feelings on this, feel free to read Ryan’s letter to the Board of Supervisors, posted on this page.
We will honor the commitments we’ve made to the couples who have already booked their date, but we cannot entertain booking future events in violation of this new ordinance.


Sorry, y’all. It’s been fun.


Ryan and Ashley Turner
Owners and Proprietors, Savage Flower Ranch

The Savage Flower Ranch.

Photos courtesy of Sincerely, Sarah B Photography & Amanda Hobbs Photography.

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